How do I make sure the information is authentic and my family is not learning inaccurate facts?

We tried our best to keep all the information as authentic as possible. There were many reviewers from the community, when in doubt, questions were removed. The focus was on authentic information rather than the volume of content. We have also asked an Imam from the community to review and give his approval based on his knowledge. InshAllah all the information is accurate.

Is playing with the dice Haram or halal?

Some say yes, and some say no. The good news is this game is designed for everyone to enjoy.
We wanted people to be as comfortable as possible so there is a dice alternative included in the game. If you do not want to use the dice, simply throw it away and use the 30 small cards included in the boardgame, labeled ‘dice alternative’. Players are to select a card from this pile randomly, and advance on the board with the number shown on the card.

Where will this product be sold?

To begin, the product will be sold in Ottawa-Gatineau and the surrounding area. If you are interested in a copy and you are outside of this area, please contact us and we will make arrangements to accommodate InshaAllah.

Are the games being sold for profit?

Proceeds from sales will be used to purchase future orders and develop the game. Some games will also be donated to mosques for distribution. Email us today if you know someone in need, or if you know any schools or mosques that would be interested in copies of the game! InshAllah.

While playing, who reads the questions?

For the pink, purple and yellow boxes, the player that rolled the dice needs to answer the question. So anyone other than that player should to read the question.
For the blue boxes, the player that rolled the dice reads the question, and all the other players can guess. First one to answer correctly advances!

While playing, how many guesses does the player have?

The player answering the question gets one guess to move forward. But if the player guesses incorrectly, others can jump in and take a guess! No points for correct answers after the initial guess, unless it is a question for the group  (when the player lands on a blue box)!

While playing, is there a timer?

We recommend that there be no timer, as it will add a burden of watching over the timer, and take away from the fun learning experience! Use best judgement here 🙂

Can we use the internet while playing?

We recommend that you do use the internet while playing, as it will teach our community to research, and you might find cool facts along the way. But it is up to you and your fellow players!

While playing, if I guess correctly, do I play again?

No. If you guess correctly, you move up according to the level of the question you answered (move 1 box up if you answered an easy question correctly, move 2 boxes for a medium question, and 3 for a hard one). Then it’s the next players turn. This will ensure everyone gets to play and have fun!

